We’ve moved from PMH (Presbyterian Mission to Haiti) with Charles to MOH (Mission of Hope). The orphanage we helped build and operate is now fully run by Haitians. Charles and PMH will manage a steady and self sufficient orphanage. We still plan to attend church at PMH every Sunday and spend the afternoon with the kids. Our goal coming to Haiti was to work with orphans and we feel God continues to lead and transform the kids in our orphanage. With that being said, the earthquake changed everything.

Never, since the revolution, has Haiti been so fertile for change. The world is focused on Haiti and wanting to help. We want to come along side people we believe are continuing to evoke change post earthquake. Since arriving in Haiti, we have taken our sick orphans to the MOH clinic and befriended many of the staff here. MOH is a giant organization comprised of a school, a church, an orphanage (59 boys and girls), a warehouse, and a hospital. They partner with Convoy of Hope (COH has shipped 90+ containers to MOH since the earthquake with relief supplies) and Haiti One (HO distributed 15,000 meals a day all over Haiti prior to the earthquake and since has concentrated on emergency relief while maintaining their daily meals). Before the earthquake, the clinic here was about to shut down because of funding. Yet, in the silver lining of the earthquake, God has provided exponentially for the clinic. They now have the only sterile operating room in Haiti, so all surgical needs from PAP come here. Last week, they opened a prosthetic lab. MOH is constructing new buildings to bring in 150 more orphans. New guest houses, new gymnasium, new supply barns.

Since arriving, Jay and I have been building a hoop barn to store the mountains of medical supplies finally arriving in containers after the earthquake. Diana has been working in the clinic organizing and filing patient reports. As for what our fixed roles might be one day, we are working with the MOH President and they range from construction manager to team host to clinic assistant.

Several observations and facts since arriving:

MOH is fencing in the whole 58 acre property. A man from Texas who owns a fence company is present and working on it with his team. His company is the same company that was awarded the contract to build the fence along the Mexico/US border. His top two fence foremen, both Mexicans, got deported from America while working on the Mexico/US fence and are now here in Haiti at MOH working on our fence. Nice guys, though.

Dr. Cheryl is a chiropractor and a life saver. I fell on my back Super Bowl Sunday onto concrete. I’m not blaming anybody (Toby Landry) or their educational background (LSU graduate) but since then my upper back has hurt every time I attempt to take a deep breath. Dr. Cheryl checked me out and said one of my ribs shifted and needed to be popped back into place. She said it was tough to do and there was a chance I could fracture my rib in the process of putting it back in its rightful place. I shifted into a bizarre self hug contorted position and then she proceeded to push and BAM, I heard it snap back into place. Been breathing deep ever since.

I am sleeping in a tent now. Fitting because it seems everyone in Haiti is doing that these days.

Michelle Obama was planning on sleeping at MOH last night. I was excited because I was going to ask her to cut my hair. She got caught up in PAP and couldn’t make it. So I cut my own hair instead.
Julie Morgan
4/14/2010 11:13:19 am

Hey Jeremy- big change indeed! We are praying for you guys as you transition. Hope all is well and that it's a good change for you all!

Julie and Josiah

Aunt Sharon
4/17/2010 05:21:28 am

Hey Jer. A lot going on with you and yours! Vintage Bible College is praying for you (I'm included in that group). Take care buddy. Love ya, Aunt Sharon

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5/29/2012 06:34:47 pm

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